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                    CN / EN
                    Master The Core Technology Control The Use Of Light

                    Consumer Electronics

                    Cover the SPLIT section of differential detection

                    Date:2020-06-04 Source:Samsun Technology

                    The SPLIT position on the back cover of the phone, after polishing and grinding, is the same as the height value of the nearby metal. Here it is necessary to use the light intensity mode of the spectral confocal sensor to measure the change of the light intensity value in the metal and plastic areas respectively, and determine the starting position according to the light intensity

                    Cover the SPLIT section of differential detection_samsuncn.com

                    Measuring the starting position of the SPLIT segment difference

                    Cover the SPLIT section of differential detection_samsuncn.com

                    SPLIT light intensity diagram

                    Cover the SPLIT section of differential detection_samsuncn.com

                    Section analysis drawing

                    Cover the SPLIT section of differential detection_samsuncn.com

                    Light intensity values generate 3D morphological maps

                    Returns List