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                    CN / EN
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                    FEP film thickness measurement

                    Date:2020-06-04 Source:Samsun Technology
                    FEP film thickness measurement_samsuncn.com
                    EFEP is a class of chemicals known as Fluorinated ethylene propylene, which translates as fluorinated ethylene propylene copolymer (perfluorinated ethylene propylene copolymer) English trade name: Teflon* FEP. CC (grams per cubic centimetre).

                    FEP can be applied to soft plastics and has lower tensile strength, wear resistance and creep resistance than many engineering plastics. It is chemically inert and has a low dielectric constant over a wide range of temperatures and frequencies.

                    FEP film thickness measurement_samsuncn.com

                    Two-dimensional plan

                    FEP film thickness measurement_samsuncn.com

                    FEP film thickness between 10 and 25 μm

                    Returns List